The L48 Team

Luisina Canto


Graduate Energy Engineer

Luisina’s passion for technology and dedication to addressing climate change have been the driving forces behind her academic and professional journey. She holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Data Science and Machine Learning, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, both from Imperial College London.

During her Masters degree, Luisina served as a Machine Learning Engineer Intern at SnooCODE, a Ghana-based startup. There, she developed a carbon footprint tracking and prediction software for electric bikes routes, which was successfully integrated into an e-commerce delivery route optimisation system. She also has enjoyed working on cutting-edge renewable energy projects at Imperial such as research and development of a Solar Cyclone Tower, and modelling the enhancement of solar cells.

Lui is excited to begin her first full-time role with Lower 48 Energy, a connection she made at an Imperial College Careers Fair and looks forward to contributing to the company’s innovative energy solutions.


Luisina Canto